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VIFFAS's Standard trading conditions



1. These Standard Trading Conditions here below referred to as TSTC shall be applied to a11 services provided, handled, performed or rendered by the company acting as Freight Forwarder even in case when the company procures a Bill of Lading or other similar
document evidencing a contract of carriage between a person other than the company and the customer or owner .

2. In case when the company is acting as carrier, the provisions of a document issued by or on beha1f of the company bearing a tit1e of or including "Bi1l of Lading", whether negotiable or not, shall be paramount and in the event of a conflict of conditions,
the provisions of such a document shall prevail over those of TSTC to the extend of such conflict.

3. As to the services in respect of or relating to customs clearance, taxes, licenses, consular documents, certificates of origin, inspection, certificates and other similar services or incidenta1 to, the company is to be a1ways considered to act as agents only and never to be considered to act as Principals.


In these Standard Trading Conditions:

4. "Company" means a Vietnam Freight Forwarders Association's member who undertakes to provide the services.

5. "Conditions" means the entire undertakings, terms, conditions and clauses embodied in TSTC.

6. "Customer's means any person, or any body, or any company, corporation and enterprise, or any organization.

7. "Owner" means the owner of the goods including shippers and consignees and another person who is or may be come interested in the goods and anyone acting on their behalf.

8. "Goods" includes the cargo and any container not supplied by or on behalf of the company, or any part thereof in respect of which the company provides a service.

9. "Dangerous goods" means goods listed in .'lntemational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code" issued, published by IMO

10. "lnstruction" means a statement of the customer's specific requirements.


11. The company shall perform its duties with a reasonable degree of care, diligence, skill and judgment.

12. The company shall carry out its services within a reasonable time except under specia1 arrangement previously made in writing as an instruction to the company.

13. Subject to TSTC and in particular to the discretion reserved to the company below the company sha1l take a1l reasonable steps to perform any of the customer's instructions acceptable by the company.

14. If at any stage in any transaction the company should reasonably consider that there is good reason in the customer's interests to depart from any of the customer's instructions, the company shall be permitted to do so and shall not incur any additiona11iability in consequence of so doing.

15. When using it discretion as permitted in TSTC the company sha1l do so with due regard to the interests of the customer.

16. If after the contract has been agreed events or circumstances come to the attention of the company which in the opinion of the company make it whol1y or in part impossible for the company to fulfi11 its duties it shall take reasonable steps to inform the customer of those events or circumstance~ and seek further instructions.