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Today: Feb 09, 2025

Message from the Board of Directors:

SANCO was established since 2000 with a desire to help Vietnamese enterprises to access the world market effectively by supplying total transportation and logistics solutions as well as protective packaging solutions to protect the cargo during transit and storage.

After nearly 15 years of operation, SANCO has affirmed its brand in the Vietnamese customers' and partners' mind all over the world. SANCO owns a team of staff with good knowledge and experience in international transportation and logistics. Team of leaders and employees of SANCO are always explorative and creative to supply our customers the best solution. With the motto "always focus on the need of customers" we are trying to learn and improve ourselves to make customers feel secure, and comfortable when they assign us to transport their important shipment. Derived from customer demand, we currently focus on supplying the following services and products:

The Vietnamese economy is opening more and more, we hope that the services we provide with all our heart will be a bridge for Vietnamese import and export enterprises to approach further in the international market, thus helping Vietnam to become a dragon as the dream of our ancestry. To do this we would like to thank to the help and cooperation of all employees in the company, esteemed customers and overseas partners.

We would like to thank you for your visiting to our site, and we look forward to working with you in the near future.

On the behalf of BOD,

Pham Ngoc Phuoc, President.


Build SANCO FREIGHT Ltd., into a transportation and logistics services provider with a friendly and modern working environment for all employees so that they can maximize the capacity and experience to offer our customers the best service with the most reasonable cost, then will satisfy our foreign agents and the investors.


Constantly explore and upgrade the services that we offer to give customers peace of mind and comfort when they delegate responsibility of transporting their important consignments to us.


  • Deep understanding of customer needs.
  • Always learning and exchanging knowledge about the field we are operating.
  • Sharing experience.
  • Respecting for the truth.